
Refit – Same Bike

This session is for those who ALREADY have done a Comprehensive or Basic Bike Fit with us but wish to return for a re-fitting due to changes made to their original bike (e.g. new saddle, stem length, etc.) or who have not been fitted for a while and need re-adjustment on their bike

Refit – Different Bike

This session is for those who ALREADY have done a Comprehensive or Basic Bike Fit with us but wish to return for a re-fitting on a Different or Additional bike from the original they were fitted to.

Session Includes:

  • A review of your current riding history, performance goals, & comfort issues on the bike.
  • 3D Motion Capture analysis of your riding position and bike set-up.
  • Saddle pressure analysis to assist with saddle fitting and positioning.
  • Adjustment to your bike set-up driven by evidence-based results. 
  • A Refit report summarizing the results of your latest fit with recommendations for future actions if needed.

If you have already done a Basic fit with us and wish to upgrade to a Comprehensive fit, we offer a RM300 reduction off the price of a Comprehensive Fit.